Monday 17 December 2012


1.Which among the following does not cause edema?
a.       Increased hydrostatic pressure
b.      Increased protein in blood
c.       Lymphatic obstruction
d.      Inflammation
2. Which is not a clinical manifestation of shock?
a.       Hypotension
b.      Weak pulse
c.       Bradycardia
d.      Cool skin
3. Which among the following leads to prolonged prothrombin time?
a.       Factor VIII deficiency
b.      Factor IX deficiency
c.       Factor VII deficiency
4.Arrange the following events in the correct order of their occurrence
1) Platelet aggregation
2) Platelet adhesion
3) Clot formation
4) vasoconstriction
a.       1,2,3,4
b.      2,1,3,4
c.       4,1,2,3
d.      4,2,1,3
5. Which among the following is not a hypercoagulable state?
a.       Oral contraceptive use
b.      Cancer
c.       Exercise
6. Microscopic appearance of chronic venous congestion of liver:
a.       Periportal necrosis
b.      Centilobular necrosis
c.       Bridging necrosis
d.      All the above
d.      Smoking
7. Which among the following tissues is more prone for infarction?
a.       Lung
b.      Kidney
c.       Liver
d.      Forearm
8. The most common organisms that cause septic shock is
a.       Gram positive bacteria
b.      Gram negative bacteria
c.       Fungi
d.      Parasites
9. Chokes and bends are associated with
a.       Fat embolism
b.      Air embolism
c.       Marrow embolism
d.      Amniotic fluid embolism
10. Primary hemostasis is
a.       The conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen
b.      The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
c.       The formation of platelet plug
d.      None of the above
11. Pick the wrong statement
a.       Hyperemia is due to increased blood flow
b.      Congested tissues are bright red in appearance
c.       Periorbital edema is usually due to renal failure
12. False about red infarcts
a.       Occurs in loose tissues
b.      Occurs in tissues with dual circulation
c.       Occurs with arterial occlusion
13. What is a saddle embolus?
a.       Saddle shaped emboli
b.      Emboli in the saddle area of liver
c.       Emboli in bifurcation of pulmonary vein
d.      None of the above
14. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome does not show
a.       Recurrent abortions
b.      Repeated thrombosis
c.       Reduced prothrombin time
d.      Pulmonary hypertension
15. Pick the right answer
a.       Postmortem thrombi show lines of zahn
b.      Arterial thrombi progress in retrograde direction
c.       Arterial thrombi show chicken fat appearance
d.      Postmortem thrombi are attached to blood vessel
16. Which of these is not a part of extrinsic pathway?
a.       Factor VII
b.      Factor III
c.       Factor IX
d.      None of the above
17. Which is most lethal?
a.       Pulmonary embolism
b.      Fat embolism
c.       Amniotic fluid embolism
18. Vitamin K dependent coagulation factor is
a.       Factor III
b.      Factor VIII
c.       Factor IX
d.      Factor XI
19. Which one of the following is not a component of virchows triad?
a.       Fast moving blood
b.      Slow moving blood
c.       Intact endothelium
d.      Hypercoagulability of blood
20. Which among the following are essential for coagulation? (U can choose more than one option)
a.       Coagulation factors
b.      Platelets
c.       Phospholipids
d.      Calcium
21.What is the other name for factor XII?

22. What is the gross appearance of chronic venous congestion of liver called?

23. What is the function of plasmin?

24. Name two tissues where infarcts are commonly caused by venous thrombosis

25. What is the function of factor XIII?


26. Fibrin split products are not elevated in
a.       Disseminated intravascular coagulation
b.      Hemophilia
c.       Pulmonary embolism
d.      Deep venous thrombosis
27. Proteins C and S are
a.       Coagulation factors
b.      Anti-coagulant factors
c.       Plasminogen activators
d.      Plasminogen inhibitors
28. Which among the following does not cause vasodilatation?
a.       Prostacyclin
b.      Nitric oxide
c.       Endothelin
d.      None of the above
29. Anticoagulant heparin acts by activating
a.       Protein C
b.      Protein S
c.       Antithrombin III
d.      None of the above
30. Pick the right statement
a.       Hyperemia is stagnation of blood in veins
b.      Heart failure cells are seen in lungs
c.       Congestion because of the more blood present supplies more oxygen to tissues causing free radical injury
d.      Purpura are minute one to two mm hemorrhagic spots
31. Which among the following is never a cause for edema?
a.       Nephritic syndrome
b.      Juxtaglomerular cell tumor
c.       Nephrotic syndrome
d.      Increased Atrial natriuretic peptide
32. Which among the following statements is not true about pulmonary embolism?
a.       Most pulmonary emboli are clinically silent
b.      Pulmonary emboli never cause sudden death because of the dual blood supply to the lungs
c.       One episode indicates high risk for the next
d.      Pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale are complications
33. Leukocytes adhere to platelets via
a.       Integrin
b.      Laminin
c.       E-selectin
d.      P-selectin
34. An example of consumption coagulopathy
a.       Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
b.      Hemophilia
c.       Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
d.      Disseminated intravascular coagulation
35. Mechanism of action of streptokinase
a.       Inhibits factor VII
b.      Activates protein S
c.       Activates plasminogen
d.      All of the above
36. Pick the wrong statement
a.       Factor V laden mutation is the most common in herited cause of hypercoagulability
b.      It is a point mutation in factor v gene
c.       Factor V becomes resistant to protein C because of this mutation
d.      Thrombosis in patients more than 50 yrs of age – suspect this disorder
37. Which one of the following is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation?
a.       ADP
b.      TXA2
c.       PGI2
38. Pick the right statements (U can choose more than one option)
a.       Bernard soulier syndrome is a bleeding disorder due to GpIb deficiency
b.      Glanzmans thrombasthenia is a bleeding disorder due to GpIIb-IIIa deficiency
c.       GpIb is involved in platelet adhesion
d.      GpIIb-IIIa is involved in platelet aggregation
e.      Giant platelets are seen in Glanzmans thrombasthenia
39. What are paradoxical emboli? (NO options. Answer shortly)

40. Read the two statements and answer
No.1 - Petechiae changes its colour from red to black to blue to green
No.2 - Hemoglobin degradation results in formation of bilirubin and biliverdin 
a) Both 1 and 2 are correct but 2 is not the reason for 1
b) 1 is correct but 2 is wrong
c) 2 is correct but 1 is wrong
d) Both are correct and 2 is the reason for 1

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